The most expensive address in Sweden
Klövervägen on Lidingö. That’s the most expensive address in Sweden. A house there costs an average of 12.8 million SEK ($1.9 million).
Lidingö, the island in the inner Stockholm archipelago, is home to the most expensive address in Sweden.
The most expensive address in Sweden
If you look elsewhere in Sweden you can buy five top houses for the amount of money a house will cost here.
Klövervägen on Lidingö. That’s the most expensive address in Sweden. A house there costs an average of 12.8 million SEK ($1.9 million). With that money, you could buy five houses at the most expensive address in Västernorrland, in the north of Sweden. Real estate company Fastighetsbyrån has put together sales of houses since January 2010—it is by looking at these prices that they found more of the most expensive addresses: In Danderyd the most expensive address will set you back 11.8 million SEK ($1.8 million) and in Bromma 11.5 million SEK ($1.7 million). Outside Stockholm, the most expensive addresses can be found in Göteborg, Vellinge and Halmstad. On Lyckans väg (Street of Happiness), a street in central Göteborg, the average apartment costs 10.4 million SEK ($1.5 million). On the other side of the spectrum, the cheapest addresses can be found in Västernorrland. On Brädgatan in Sundsvall, the houses cost barely 2.6 million SEK (under $400,000), a fifth of the price of the Lidingö address. But Fastighetsbyrån’s statistics only take into account those streets where more than five sales have taken place since 2010. According to the magazine Affärsvärlden, Sweden’s most expensive house can be found in Helsingborg. It—a seven-room house—cost 55 million SEK (just over $8 million). -