JFK's 'Swedish love' dies

She became known as the Swedish girl who captured the heart of John F Kennedy - Gunilla von Post.  

  • Mrs. Barbro Santesson and Miss Gunilla von Post (to the right) in the 1950’s. Gunilla was the love of JFK during the 1950’s.
  • Reflections after an interview in New York with Gunilla von Post after the book was published in 1997: Signed, "Love, Jack"

  • “Under that beautiful, controlled face, which still haunts me there’s a warm heart,” he wrote her in 1954.
    Gunilla von Post has died, she was 79 years old. A stunning blonde, von Post and Kennedy met on the French Riviera in the summer of 1953. He was 36; a worldly, charming American senator. She was a 21-year old girl of nobility, sent to France to improve her French. It was love at first site, but von Post understood that their relation was not meant to last. John F Kennedy’s life was already determined. In September that same year, he wed Jacqueline Bouvier, a marriage he said his father forced upon him. And the letters he wrote to von Post shows she remained in his heart for a long time.

  • The year after his wedding, he still kept in touch with her. In a letter dated June 28, 1954, he wrote:
    “Perhaps I’ll get a boat and sail around the Mediterranean for two weeks, with you as my crew.” But there was no boat trip to be had, and Kennedy had problems with his back. In November 1954 he wrote from a hospital in Manhattan: “After two months I’m still here. I’m so disappointed as I had to cancel my trip to Europe in the last minute. Especially since you’re now in Paris, and we could’ve had such a good time.”

  • The summer after that, in 1955, they finally met in von Post’s parents’ summer-house in Båstad, where JFK enjoyed the Swedish summer, bathed and sang. “We sat in a car, and he held his arm around me and we sang as we drove around Skåne. It was very beautiful. Like a dream,” is how von Post described it in the documentary “Gunilla and JFK – an impossible love story”, which is being broadcast on Swedish radio. Gunilla finally broke off all contact when she married fellow Swede Anders Ekman. Gunilla had two daughters with Anders, and upon his death she married H. Wisner Miller and moved with him to the US. In 1997, Gunilla von Post published her book “Love, Jack” about their love story.