Sweden's two week long summer party.
Love, romance and fun in the Swedish late-night sun this summer. "Love Stockholm 2010" is being touted as a party that will continuously rock for two weeks.... and, that's just the beginning.
Logo for the two week long party that ends with the Royal Wedding.
Kicking off on the first day that the new Swedish national holiday (Sweden's version of our 4th of July) will be celebrated on June 6, and in addition this year, climaxing on the romantic and splendorous Royal Wedding Day on June 19, "Love Stockholm 2010" is being touted as a party that will continuously rock for two weeks.
Children's fun at Skansen and all over Djurgården. Photo: Olof Holdar. Courtesy of Love 2010 Stockholm
The venue for Love Stockholm 2010 is primarily the city center - for example the Royal Gardens and Skeppsbron - while activities will also take place in outer Stockholm districts. During these two weeks, the City of Stockholm will be lavishly decorated.
Raising the Midsummer - May - Pole on Skeppsholmen. Photo: Yanan Li.
"We want to highlight our efforts on behalf of Stockholmers so that they will share our pride in the city and inspire visitors to return. This will help, in the long term, to raise Stockholm’s international standing and will benefit Stockholmers. Our city is full of love," stated the capital city's Mayor, Sten Nordin.
Stockholm will be filled with activities, from opera...
"The biggest party the city has ever organized" is how officials are describing it, and more than 1,500 activities will take place, while many themes reflect love or royalty. They include boule brunches for singles, an exhibition of love related flowers and a chance for children to learn about princes and princesses at Skansen.
..to Rock n Roll. Photo: Mimmi Gunnarsson. Courtesy of Love 2010 Stockholm
Presented by the City of Stockholm together with some 35 sponsors from the private sector, Love Stockholm 2010 expects to generate up to around $6 million in profits. The festival will cost Stockholmers a million dollars, while sponsors will pitch another six million into the hat to help put on the festivities.
All around the city, many of the sponsors that are designated as "Host Sponsors" will provide entertainment in the form of music, personalities and performances. One example of hosts, IKEA, is arranging the design area at the wharf.
Victoria restaurant will expand its operations and establish a mile long bar around Karl XIII's statue in the Royal Gardens. Among another group of companies known as official suppliers, GB Glace will deliver its prolifically flavorful line of ice cream delights and, to keep visitors on their toes, Arvid Nordquist will keep their brand of coffee flowing. Already in limited supplies on shelves throughout Sweden, the coffee producer has created a special blend that is packaged in a Royal Wedding commemorative cannister.
Another way to jump on the Love Stockholm and Royal Wedding bandwagon sailing to or from the merrymaking. Tallink and Silja Lines, also sponsors in the two week festivities, have seagoing celebrations the feature romance and love as themes, and they are also tailoring their timetables for cruise passengers to see the wedding before or after their voyages.
"Exposure is extremely valuable to us so we attract more tourists, investments and people who want to stay here," points out Olle Zetterberg, CEO of Stockholm Business Region.
Sources: www.lovestockholm2010.se, www.ikea.com/se, www.gb.se, www.arvidnordquist.se, www.tallinksilja.com