Issue #287
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For the holidays, a Swedish inspired cocktail party / Mandatory ingredients for a Swedish Christmas - One Christmas treat makes you happy every time / Food feast, Swedish style / Ingebretsens 100 years / New-old julbord tradition in Michigan
Whois jultomten? / The ride to Julotta, Christmas morning / Do like the Swedes: Lean into the light / Swedish ljuskrona, änglaspel …
Change of government council at the Royal Palace / Gävlebocken unveiled / Årets Julklapp: An event / ABBA tops the UK album chart / Sold for SEK 151,000! / Engineers needed / Higher inflation in Sweden / Swedish discovery for new antibiotics / Riksbank signals higher rates.
Whois jultomten? / The ride to Julotta, Christmas morning / Do like the Swedes: Lean into the light / Swedish ljuskrona, änglaspel …
Change of government council at the Royal Palace / Gävlebocken unveiled / Årets Julklapp: An event / ABBA tops the UK album chart / Sold for SEK 151,000! / Engineers needed / Higher inflation in Sweden / Swedish discovery for new antibiotics / Riksbank signals higher rates.