Issue #286
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Julmarknad 2021 / A Thousand years of the julbord / Pandemic food culture / Risgrynsgröt or rice pudding? / Letting go is good - Reverse migration; sauna, the Swedish way / Bluetooth, Hairfair and Doublebeard (The secret message from Bluetooth) / The Vasa Star, Fall 2021
Gothenburg on the UNESCO list / When voices from Valhalla speak / No thank you for the music / More Star Wars for Göransson / Norwegian quarantine demands / “Scenes of New York City” / Discover Swedish / Awesome & Swedish
Gothenburg on the UNESCO list / When voices from Valhalla speak / No thank you for the music / More Star Wars for Göransson / Norwegian quarantine demands / “Scenes of New York City” / Discover Swedish / Awesome & Swedish