Issues that may separate a red-green government

The latest poll from Statistics Sweden show a clear advantage for the Red-Greens over the Alliance parties. But.. 

  • Spokesperson for the Green Party, Gustav Fridolin, doesn't always agree with ...
  • A general election will be held in Sweden on September 14, 2014. Elections will be held to the national Swedish Riksdag (Parliament), as well as to all 21 county councils and 210 municipal assemblies. This will be the second election since the center-right Alliance for Sweden coalition (comprising the Moderate Party, Liberal People’s Party, Centre Party, and Christian Democrats) formed government in 2006.

  • ... the leader of the Social Democrats, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven. Photo: Frankie Fouganthin
  • The latest poll from Statistics Sweden show a clear advantage for the Red-Greens over the Alliance parties. Social Democrats and members of the Green Party dream of ruling Sweden.
    That dream may very well come true, but there are many issues on which they disagree. Here are some of them:

  • Social Democrats and members of the Green Party dream of ruling Sweden. But there are hurdles for sure...
  • Climate goals: The Greens want higher climate goals for EU and Sweden, as well as a climate policy framework that will guide politics. The Social Democrats don’t agree.

  • Nuclear power: The Greens want to close two reactors by 2018, and raise the tax on nuclear power. The Social Democrats want to approach energy politics over the block boundary, and want to safeguard competitive energy prices for the industry.

  • Public transportation: Next year, the Greens want to invest 2.5 billion SEK ($375 million) more on public transport than the current government. The Social Democrats want to invest 0.7 billion ($105 million) more than that.

  • Gasoline tax: The Greens want to raise the carbon dioxide tax, so gas will become 70 öre more expensive (about 10 cents). The Social Democrats say no to a raised tax on gas.

  • Flight tax: The Greens want to introduce a new flight tax, which would make a domestic trip by air 100 SEK ($15) more expensive, and a trip abroad about 300 SEK ($45) more expensive.

  • Independent schools: In practice, the Social Democrats want to give the municipalities veto when a free school is to start. The Green Party does not.

  • Welfare gains: In their manifesto, the Greens want the gains to be ”reinvested” in the business. The Social Democrats want to limit profits by raising the demands on quality and staffing.

  • Asylum and migration policy: The Greens want to make it easier for asylum seekers to stay in Sweden and get their families to come to Sweden as well. Homeless EU-members/beggars should have a roof-over-their-head guarantee. The Social Democrats have no such proposals, and want to tighten the labor immigration coming from countries outside the EU.

  • Parental insurance: The Greens want two new ”daddy months.” The Social Democrats are fuzzy on the issue, but view a ”daddy month” as a way to get a more equal use of parental leave.

  • Export of arms: The Greens wants to decommission the sales of arms to dictatorships. The Social Democrats refer to a current study on arms export.

  • Teachers’ salaries: The Greens want to allocate state funds for raised teacher salaries—850 million SEK ($127 million) for next year.

  • Shorter work day: The Greens want to lower the weekly work load to 35 hours via laws and agreements. The Social Democrats don’t believe in fewer hours at work.

  • The unemployment fund: The Greens want to raise the ceiling slower than the Social Democrats do, and want to invest over 2 billion SEK ($300 million) less next year.

  • Military defense: The Green Party wants to lessen the funding next year and they are critical of the new Gripen (a light fighter aircraft manufactured by the Swedish aerospace company Saab). The Social Democrats want to raise funds, and invest in Gripen.

  • RUT deductions: (Cleaning, maintenance and washing... Deductions for household help) The Social Democrats want to halve the deduction to a maximum of 25,000 SEK ($3,750) per person. The Green Party want to keep it.