Sweden’s sexiest dialect

Göteborgska is sexier than any other dialect spoken in Sweden. 

  • The sexiest Swedish dialect is the one spoken in Göteborg by people like actor Sven Wollter, above. Wollter was born (1934) and grew up in Göteborg, which is the second-largest city in Sweden, and the fifth largest in all of the Nordic countries. The dialect there is very melodious and has an intonation that ends on an “up note”.
  • Sweden's sexiest dialect.
    It has been proven: one dialect spoken in Sweden is sexier than any other. It's the Swedish spoken in the area of Göteborg (in Sweden referred to as Göteborgska) is the sexiest in Sweden.

  • According to a Sifo study commissioned by a dating site, that dialect is the most attractive among people looking for a partner (18% of the people asked preferred it), closely followed by Norrländska, the dialect spoken in the northern part of the country (17%) and Skånska, the dialect spoken in the most southern part (16%).

  • It’s more difficult for the lovesick in Västergötland, Halland and Örebro to find love. Especially those in Örebro (famous for the so-called “gnällbältet”, the whiling belt in central Sweden), their dialect got zero votes. Here’s the list of the five most attractive Swedish dialects, according to the study:
    1. Göteborgska
    2. Norrländska
    3. Skånska
    4. Värmländska
    5. Dalmål.