Swedish law against spanking.
The Nordic countries are among leading 12% of nations that ban corporal punishment
All of the five Nordic countries are among only 24 nations that have banned corporal punishment
Sweden is one nation in which corporal and also psychological punishment of children is prohibited by law. National bans on corporal punishment are closely associated with declining popular support for corporal punishment and reports of parental spanking.
However, this decline seems to begin before the passage of such law. The association between such bans and child abuse are less clear, but studies reported in the July issue of Child Abuse Review suggest a decline in abuse following legal prohibition.
Of the 24 countries with corporal punishment bans, 19 are in Europe, including all of the Scandinavian and near Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Finland). Three others are in Central or South America, one in the Middle East and one in Oceania (the region that includes Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Ocean island nations such as Malaysia and Indonesia).
Although 24 nations have banned corporal punishment, this is only 12% of the world's countries. There are no national bans on corporal punishment anywhere in Asia or North America. -