The Swedish Newspaper of America

Sweden's National Soup
Pea soup with pork could be considered Sweden's national soup. While only eaten on Thursdays in Sweden, the soul-warming, comforting meal in a bowl is good any night of the week. According to Kristi Bissell, whose recipe and images we’ve used here, this soup can be on your table in about an hour.Read more »

All it takes is five cents
if you're lucky, to get a sense of Simon's Tavern, a landmark neighborhood bar nestled in Andersonville, the heart of what was once Swedish Chicago.Read more »

Not all potatoes: 'Sweede tooth' indeed
Swedes and their candy, almost a doubling of consumption over the last three decades.Read more »

An instrumental Swede in Texas
The Swedish mayor in Dallas who started Texas Instruments also sold Nordstjernan.Read more »

Wild skating through the archipelago
The Stockholm archipelago has the world's best conditions for Nordic tour skating. Local skating guide Joakim Malm does not hesitate for a second about this appraisal. The location and climate are factors that together produce ice that attracts visitors from all over the world.Premium content Read more »

A thousand years of the Swedish 'julbord'
With the month of December we face a collection of important annual rituals and remarkable meals. Common to all of them, from glögg mingles to corporate holiday parties, is they contribute to a loaded Christmas atmosphere that can only be redeemed in the perhaps most unusual meal that Swedish food culture can boast: Julbord, the traditional Christmas table.Premium content Read more »

My Not-So-Swedish Family Christmas
A Swedish traditional Christmas. “This is how the Swedes do it, how your relatives did it. So this is how we do it.” Really? The traditions of a generations-old Swedish family Christmas comes with surprises when a young native Swede joins the celebration one year.Premium content Read more »

Deep in the forest
The Holavedsleden trail between Tranås and Gränna runs in beautiful, hilly primeval forest. It’s the same idyllic landscape with bath-friendly lakes that inspired the great artist and illustrator John Bauer, the same forest in which thieves once lurked behind every other tree. Nordstjernan's Emil Sergel and Roger Borgelid instead encounter a magical tranquility in the deep forests of the Småland province.Premium content Read more »

Allemansrätten - 'Everyman’s right'
There are certain things that are so Swedish, they could be symbols for the country. Not just traditional ornaments like a midsommarstång or a Lucia krona...Read more »

When did Swedes go blond?
What do Emil in Lönneberga, Anders Zorn’s “dalkullor,” and Kalle on the tube of Kalles Kaviar have in common? They’re all Swedish, blond, and blue-eyed.Read more »

Summer salad with salmon
Swedes love fish and what's not to love when it's combined with fresh, spicy ingredients?Read more »

In search of new frontiers
"With the help of the James Webb telescope, we will be able to see parts of the universe and other things we have not been able to see before. And what we have already been able to see, we will be able to see better." - astronomer Jens Melinder at the Department of Astronomy at Stockholm University.Read more »

Bountiful garden with a touch of the exotic
A lavish arboretum in the northern Stockholm archipelago — a fertile Eden where magnificent flowers and beautiful deciduous trees bend and bow wherever you turn your gaze.Premium content Read more »

The lucky Swede.
One of the classic stories of rags to riches to rags is the career of the Swedish immigrant Erik Olof Lindblom.Read more »

Swedes and citrus in the Sunshine State
They're a symbol of the Sunshine State. When you think oranges in the United States, you think Florida. You certainly don't think Sweden.Premium content Read more »
We take the rough with the smooth, the ups with the downs ..
The first issues of our 149th year of consecutive publishing of Nordstjernan, have been published.Read more »

Walkabout Tour of Stockholm I
.. walk in the city of my youth: Leif Rosqvist goes for a walk through his old neighborhoods in the heart of Stockholm.Premium content Read more »

Building on tradition
From the Royal Family and their summer mansion on the island of Öland, to the apartment-dwelling Swede who spends summer evenings on the outskirts of town at a quaint little "shed" in his own miniature garden - the act of getting away from conventional residential surroundings is a passion built into the Swedish national mentality.Premium content Read more »

Record number of people shop food online
Not surprisingly the online food trade has doubled in Sweden during the pandemic.Read more »

Orienteering: It's all about finding your way
Orienteering is a sport that mirrors the Scandinavian spirit - a love of the outdoors, a rational approach to detail and a respect for healthy competition.Premium content Read more »

Mountain Hiking in Sweden
- it’s for everybody not just for survivalists and hardcore connoisseurs.Read more »
Hiking trails in Sweden
Some are 4 or 5 hours away by car, others accessible from any of the major cities by night train or an hour and a half by air.Read more »

Food in the wintry north
Sami culinary traditions in Jokkmokk, kaffeost (coffee cheese) in Kangos and food served on ice in Jukkasjarvi.Premium content Read more »

Learning (and teaching) Swedish
As we work on offering you more opportunities to practice your Swedish, we had the opportunity to hear from a teacher of Swedish in Sweden.Read more »

Moving to Sweden
What is it like to actually move to Sweden? A recently relocated Californian about his first year in Stockholm.Read more »

The month of June in Sweden
The Swedish summer is at its greenest, the nights are at their shortest and the land comes alive with a throbbing energy as the summer solstice approaches.Read more »